If you need anything, please email me or call the main office at 860-868-2223.
As many of you know, I am having knee surgery on Monday and will be out all next week (17th-21st). Mrs Martinson will be in our classroom. She came to visit us this week and we had fun getting to know each other. I will miss your children very much and cannot wait to be back with them after the New Year.
If you need anything, please email me or call the main office at 860-868-2223.
Mr Drapp, our superintendent, made this statement yesterday about the tragedy in Newtown. I would like to share it with you....
"Region 6 mourns the loss of children and fellow colleagues, and prayers for everyone affected. Your loss and pain are our loss and pain." Have a wonderful weekend with your beautiful children. Thank you for sharing them with me every day. Ask me all about the present I brought home!!!! We turned our hands into five little snowmen....just for you! We talked about everything a snowman needs and the steps in the process to make one. Then we painted our hands and....TaDa!!!!! How fun! What a great Kindergarten Keepsake!
Ask me all about Mercy Watson, by Kate DiCamillo!!! During our afternoon read aloud we finished #6, the last one in the series. We love the characters so much! We even visited a Mercy Watson web site. It is now linked from our class web site, www.mrsbradysclass.com Give it a try and play at home!!!!
Ask me all about our Gingerbread Men. They ran away!!!!! We chased them all around the school, reading notes they left behind for us. How fun! We finally caught them and decorated them....the best part was eating them!!! Yum!
Ask me all about our Weather Graph!!! We use our senses to record the weather every morning during our Morning Meeting. We fill out a graph and dress our friend, Mr. Froggy, in appropriate clothing. Today we noticed that December has been very cloudy and rainy so far! You can download our graph and discuss the weather at home! ![]()
Ask me all about Number Talks!!! We have been looking in our Counting Jar everyday! Today there were 9 peppermints. We took turns counting them and sharing our Math strategies. We all think so differently. We learn so much from each other!!!
Ask me all about The Gingerbread Girl!!! We loved this version. We worked hard comparing it to The Gingerbread Boy. We are having so much fun with the repeating lines!
Ask me all about holiday traditions! In Social Studies, we are learning how different families celebrate the holidays. Today we made magic dreidels and gingerbread men!!!
Ask me all about The Gingerbread Man!!! We will be sharing many different versions of the story this week. We are also looking for repeating lines and patterns in our books. "Run, Run, As fast as you can! You can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man!!!"
Ask me all about measuring! We used a new math tool today called a Bucket Balance. We compared the weight of many different objects. We even compared a pencil and one of our warm fuzzies! Guess which one weighed more???!!!
AuthorMrs. Brady's Class Archives
March 2019
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