Ask me all about the Alphabet! Today we worked on putting letters in the right order. We sang a special alphabet song while we worked. Click on the button below to find Alpha Pig's song!!! You can also play a fun ABC order game!!!
![]() Ask me all about Reader's Workshop! We are using what we know about the Alphabet to read and write words! We used our reading strategies (like getting our mouth ready and stretching out words like a snake) and we worked on fun word puzzles. Mrs. Brodhead tried to trick us with missing letters, but she couldn't!!! Click on the button below to dance and sing to one of our favorite Alphabet songs!!! Ask me all about the alphabet!!! We have finished our letter study and EVERYONE in our class knows EVERY LETTER and SOUND....YEAH!!!!!!!! We are so proud of ourselves!
This week we are celebrating!!!! We started with day singing and dancing with our Sesame Street Friends and during Reader's Workshop we put all of those wonderful letters together to make our kindergarten sight words!!!! It was so much fun!!! Click on the buttons below to hear two of our favorite Alpha-songs!!! Ask me all about my day! We had a special visit from Dr. Humphrey, a veterinarian! He taught us all about how to be a vet and what happens at the office when you visit with your animals. He is a special community helper!!! Then we went to the Warren Library. We met Sandy the Therapy Dog, another special community helper. She visits schools, libraries, and nursing homes making people feel better. We found out she Loves to be read to .....and have her belly rubbed!!!!
Ask me all about Writer's Workshop! We are working on 'How To' books. We are teaching our friends how to do many things!!!
Today we worked with writing partners, editing and revising our books. We helped each other reread and fix mistakes so that tomorrow we can create something special to celebrate!!! We can't wait to share!!! ![]() Ask me all about Readers Workshop! Today we talked all about how readers THINK while they read. One of the most important things we do is make connections with the characters and the text. It helps us understand the story better. During Morning Meeting, our Word of the Day today was REMEMBER. When you remember something you keep it in your mind so you can think about it again later. We do this when we read....Ask our friends and family....What does this story remind you of? Ask me all about my kindergarten sight words!!! We have been reading and writing them EVERY DAY!!!! We even took our very first spelling test (As part of our mid-year kindergarten assessments).
Today during our Reader's Workshop mini-lesson, we talked all about our sight words and how knowing them helps us read more fluently. It also helps us when we are being "chunky monkeys"....looking for known words inside big words (for example, looking, goes, comes) We also played a special game on the smartboard. We loved it!!! Click on the link to play it at home! Ask me all about art today! We learned all about an artist named Matisse! We started a special project and painted with Many different colors!!! Thank you Mrs. Sweet!!!!
![]() Ask me all about taking good care of myself and my friends!!! Today we discussed how to stay healthy. We have a lot of friends home sick and we talked about making sure we wash our hands, cover our coughs and sneezes, and keep our hands out of our mouths and eye area. We LOVE school!!!! And we want EVERYBODY to be here so we can learn and play together!!!!
AuthorMrs. Brady's Class Archives
March 2019
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