We come in every morning and unpack all by ourselves. We make sure that our boots are under the bench and our snow things are hung up. Then we go and find our Welcome Activity. This week, the friend with the neatest area got to put a Warm Fuzzy in the jar!!! We were so excited.
Please continue to send in snow clothes with your child, even though we have not been outside lately. If the weather is warm enough, the children will go out! The following ideas are very helpful for your child...
- Label all clothing
- Send snow clothes in a separate bag
- Make sure your child has shoes to put on (slip-ons, crocs, sneakers, etc...it is hard to dance, sit criss-cross, and move around in big snow boots!!!)
- Send in a few extra pairs of socks for their basket (sometimes we come in a little wet!)
Thank you so much for your continued support at home!!!